1. 쫒겨나다, 퇴장당하다.
: thrown out = expel: force to leave or move out.
kick out
2. bite one's tongue/lips
: 참는다. 입술을 깨물다, 노여움을 꾹 참다, 하고 싶은 말을 꾹 참다
3. i didn't have chance to do it
: 시간이 없었다. 기회가 없었다.
4. (v) sentence
: 선고하다 . (ex sentence a person to death, sentense two years jail
5. blend in = mix in
: ~ 와 조화되다.
6. i enjoy listening to music
= i really into listening to music
= i into someone
= im interested in something...
7. you're not for grown man yet.
= 아직 어른이 안됬다. (주로 부모님들이 사용한다고함)
8. facial : 얼굴마사지
= get a facial
ex) i got a facial with mike yesterday..
9. what do you say ~~ (~하는게 어때)
= what do you say to go to bed ealry...?
= what do you say we make it for sunday noon?
10. cutest : 너무 귀엽다
11. feat = 위업..
: Don't confuse with feet..kk
12. who are you voting for?
= who are you going to vote for?
- it's not your business= none of your business
13. male chauvinist pig : 남성우월주의자 (- 경멸하는 식의 단어)
14. octopus : 문어과..
: 쭈꾸미나 낙지도 octopus..라고 함..
15. bazaar : 발음-바자르~ : 바자회같은 시장.
bigarre : 발음-비자르~ : 기괴한..
16. break a price : 싼 가격.. 바겐세일 같은거..
17. something speacial = (this is not ordinary)
18. flea market : 벼룩시장
19. how much are you chargeing for the soaps?
20. (v) bargain : 흥정하다.
21. consumer usually welcome price break.
but not when they recently purchase products
recently : 리센슬리..
purchase : 펄쳐스
22. they will only see everyone else purchase some merchandise
significant less
23. roll into one : 합쳐진..
24. cut the price :가격을 줄이다.
25. boost sale : 판매를 촉진시키다..
: angry about price cut.
: thrown out = expel: force to leave or move out.
kick out
2. bite one's tongue/lips
: 참는다. 입술을 깨물다, 노여움을 꾹 참다, 하고 싶은 말을 꾹 참다
3. i didn't have chance to do it
: 시간이 없었다. 기회가 없었다.
4. (v) sentence
: 선고하다 . (ex sentence a person to death, sentense two years jail
5. blend in = mix in
: ~ 와 조화되다.
6. i enjoy listening to music
= i really into listening to music
= i into someone
= im interested in something...
7. you're not for grown man yet.
= 아직 어른이 안됬다. (주로 부모님들이 사용한다고함)
8. facial : 얼굴마사지
= get a facial
ex) i got a facial with mike yesterday..
9. what do you say ~~ (~하는게 어때)
= what do you say to go to bed ealry...?
= what do you say we make it for sunday noon?
10. cutest : 너무 귀엽다
11. feat = 위업..
: Don't confuse with feet..kk
12. who are you voting for?
= who are you going to vote for?
- it's not your business= none of your business
13. male chauvinist pig : 남성우월주의자 (- 경멸하는 식의 단어)
14. octopus : 문어과..
: 쭈꾸미나 낙지도 octopus..라고 함..
15. bazaar : 발음-바자르~ : 바자회같은 시장.
bigarre : 발음-비자르~ : 기괴한..
16. break a price : 싼 가격.. 바겐세일 같은거..
17. something speacial = (this is not ordinary)
18. flea market : 벼룩시장
19. how much are you chargeing for the soaps?
20. (v) bargain : 흥정하다.
21. consumer usually welcome price break.
but not when they recently purchase products
recently : 리센슬리..
purchase : 펄쳐스
22. they will only see everyone else purchase some merchandise
significant less
23. roll into one : 합쳐진..
24. cut the price :가격을 줄이다.
25. boost sale : 판매를 촉진시키다..
: angry about price cut.